We need your Aluminium Cans
The parish council heard of the brilliant work of an amazing young man, Ryan Hulance, who is collecting aluminium cans for “WE CAN” to help with food poverty.

Ryan (aged 11) and his family started collecting aluminium drink cans in order to recycle and use the money they receive to buy food for local food banks. This has been highly successful, with countless businesses and locals helping with collection points and bins all over the Solihull area.
On Saturday, March 23, the Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr Pauline Allen, met Ryan to receive the Arden Hall “WE CAN” wheelie bin. Our licenced bars, which carry aluminium cans of pop, will be collected after each event and added to the Blue Wheelie bin. Please fill the bin with your empty drink cans and help us support the community and local food bank. The bin will be situated at the rear of Arden Hall and will clearly have the logo on “We CAN”.
Please support Ryan in this excellent venture.