Mary, waiting expectantly

Spruced up, with a fresh wardrobe, Mary gazes wistfully at an empty manger, focused on the imminent birth of her baby who angel Gabriel said would change the world for ever.

She is one of the set of old and tired plaster and wire models making up the nativity at St Peter and St Paul, Coleshill. 

They are undergoing sympathetic repair and careful repainting. The restoration and good lighting give her a serene, almost human, appearance.

The nativity has always been on the floor in front of the nave altar, so few noticed its deterioration or saw the fine detail in the figures – or that behind them in the east window is a premonition about how the still-to-be born Holy Child’s earthly life will end.

The recorder-playing shepherd and dog is the latest to be ready for their walk on part. A wise man is already waiting in the wings after his conservation.

When you’re in church marvel also at the awesome detail in the Camm southwest window showing the adoration of the magi. The detail and rich colour palette is extraordinary.

We’re proud of our Clayton and Bell windows, too. Camm shows the beginning of Christ’s story, Clayton and Bell his last day on earth in the huge east window at the other end of the church. Clayton and Bell were masters of story-telling, excelling in their use of colour. The angel image is from their Valentine window in the lady chapel.

Visit the website ( for a look at the windows and other stories, and to check for any changes in Christmas services. At the time of going to press they are 

Coleshill parish church…

  • Candles, carols and kindness – 10 December 4pm. A candlelit family service within Advent, and an opportunity to donate toys to the Birmingham City Mission Toy Link Appeal.
  • Christingle within the family service –
    17 December 10.30am. Carol service 4pm
  • Dickie Birds children’s light service –
    22 December 9.30am
  • Carol service with Coleshill Town Band –
    22 December 6.30pm
  • Crib service – Christmas Eve 4pm. First communion of Christmas 11pm
  • Christmas Day family service with Holy communion 10.30am

…and Maxstoke

  • Carol service – 17 December 4pm
  • First communion of Christmas – Christmas Eve 8pm plus mulled wine
  • Christmas Day – service of the word 9.15am