HS2 Possible Health Issue? This joke isn’t funny any more

“This joke isn’t funny any more, it’s too close to home and too near the bone” so goes the words to the 1985 Smiths song of the same name. It’s unlikely that the Manc’ moaners could have foreseen the fiasco of HS2 back then but Morrissey’s lyrics describe exactly the situation we have now. HS2 has turned into a national and indeed international joke. However, it may be worse than that: setting aside the fact that HS2 has morphed into a tax payer subsidized, uneconomic white elephant it now appears that it could possibly be detrimental to our health.
Due to it’s location as the junction of the Birmingham leg of HS2 and the now cancelled Northern leg, Water Orton is one of the busiest and most intensely worked sites along the entire route. It has caused mayhem for residents trying to go about their daily business and while causing immense frustration that seemed to be the extent of it’s effects – or so people thought.
A year or so ago a number of Water Orton residents began to experience unusual breathing difficulties and asthma-like symptoms. At the time these problems were just anecdotal and as we had recently come out of Covid, it was possible that these symptoms were a legacy of that. However, as time went on and Covid became just a painful memory, the symptoms persisted and it became clear from experiences shared on Facebook that the breathing issues appeared to be especially affecting residents of Water Orton and the immediate area surrounding it. People began to wonder if the fine red dust that coated everything from cars to windows in the village could be causing the breathing problems that seem to affect so many of them.
To this end a small group of concerned residents began to mobilise and gather data to try to discover what was really going on In their area. The group has a diverse membership but most notable among the activists are former parish councillor Feli Freeman, Water Orton Heritage Group organiser, Jenny Deebank and Judith Cleaver a well known and passionate advocate for Water Orton. Along with others, all three women have been instrumental in highlighting not only the perceived health issues both physical and mental but also the effects on the built environment in Water Orton. They have appeared on ITV and BBC local news and continue to collate information in order to be able to hold HS2 to account.
As a long-time campaigner in Water Orton for other issues including traffic calming and speed reduction, Judith Cleaver has become a formidable force in gathering the hard evidence to try to show a link between the HS2 works and the effects on people’s health. By lobbying the local council and HS2 the small campaign group has been able to get funding for the installation of 5 air quality monitoring machines that will provide data in respect of the type and distribution of micro particulates which can be breathed in and build up in lungs and airways.
Unfortunately, the location of the monitoring stations were not subject to public consultation whereby residents with local knowledge could have been consulted as to the most effective locations, but something is better than nothing. Another initiative was the setting up of a “smart survey” to gather information from residents as to their health issues and also their location. Called the HS2 Health Impact Survey, this will attempt to show if there is indeed a causal link between the proximity of the HS2 works and the effects on local residents health. SmartSurvey is a U.K based provider of digital surveying and whilst it uses location data (but not home addresses) input by you, it is completely anonymous and no directly personal data is ever taken or stored. The survey is still running and can be found online at:
If you feel that your health has been adversely affected by the HS2 works near to you, then Judith and her colleagues urge residents to participate in the survey. The more data that is harvested then the more likely it will be to show a correlation and lead to practical change. If you wish to get involved or for updates on the responses from HS2 then Judith can be emailed on:
It is often perceived that ordinary members of the public feel powerless to challenge big government or big business, that their concerns will not be taken seriously or at worst-ignored. This is a chance to make your voice heard when it may affect what matters most of all. Your health and well-being!