Sun shines on Father Hudson’s Summer Fair and Dog Show
On Saturday 2nd September Father Hudson’s rearranged Summer Fair and first ever Dog Show took place. At St Joseph’s Care Home family and friends were welcomed into the garden, with Roger providing musical entertainment. Food was freshly prepared by our chef Dejan and his team, with cupcakes provided by Wendy. Daisy and Eva, daughters of Annie and Laura who work at St Joseph’s, helped our catering team and made and sold loom bands throughout the day. The Town Mayor, Tony Battle, came along with his wife to say hello and chat to our residents, staff and trustees. He even posed for a photo with our Dog Show entrants!
We had a range of stalls available to browse on the day. Laura and Hardeep from our HR team ran a recruitment stall, providing information about jobs and career opportunities at Father Hudson’s. Our Domiciliary Care team had a book stall, while Jo (Head of Community Projects) and her Mum sold jewellery. Maria filled up a paddling pool for her Hook a Duck which was popular with children up to the end of the day. A bouncy castle was also available to keep children entertained. Karen and Helen kept people and dogs supplied with ice cream, while Libby took charge of the raffle. We were also joined by Queen Bee selling handmade candles and wax melts and Charlie & Co showcased their pet food. Twin Rivers Women’s Institute, who are supporting our Day Service to fundraise for a new sensory garden as their Charity of the Year, were a great success, raising £173.50 selling cakes, fruit and veg and running ‘guess the sweets in the jar’ and a raffle competition.

This year was our first ever Dog Show, with Kelly from 101 Paws Dog Grooming kindly agreeing to be our judge for the day. This was no easy task, as staff, supporters and locals brought their adorable hounds along to the arena set up opposite St Joseph’s. Bentley, a black Labrador, was crowned the Best in Show for the day, although all the dogs were wonderful competitors and obviously much loved by their families. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped out with the Summer Fair and Dog Show and to everyone who attended and made it a wonderful occasion to remember. Overall, we raised over £1000 which wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
Supporting information
Father Hudson’s have had a Summer Fair for a number of years, with a break during Covid. It takes place across our Coleshill sites, in St Joseph’s Care Home garden and opposite St Catherine’s Bungalows, a residential home for people with physical, sensory and learning disabilities. This year it expanded onto the field opposite St Joseph’s Care Home where the Dog Show was held.
For information about Father Hudson’s Care, contact Rebecca Jordan-Skinner, Communications and Marketing Officer, by email on or by phone on 01675 434037.
Photo credits Pauline Fisher