Safe Haven Coventry and Warwickshire open in Coleshill
When life challenges start to overwhelm us and we struggle with feelings of mental health distress, they can soon affect our day-to-day living – our family, our relationships, our work.
Did you know that one-in-four of us will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year? Or that one-in-six of us will experience a common mental health problem like anxiety and depression in any given week? We all have mental health and sometimes need support to keep on top of it.
These feelings of distress are often hardest felt in the evenings – just at the time of day when we have fewer options for seeking help and support.
Mental health support is taking a step closer to the community with the opening of the Coleshill Safe Haven this September.
The Safe Haven Coventry and Warwickshire service provides community-based, non-clinical support. Safe Haven support will be available every Friday evening from the Coleshill Community Centre at 2 Temple Way, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1HH. Telephone, email and text support starts from Friday 1st September with face-to-face support available from Friday 15th September.

Open to anyone aged 16+ living in Coventry and Warwickshire, no appointment or bookings are required, you can simply drop in between 6 pm and 11 pm on Friday evenings.
Our Safe Haven drop-ins are friendly spaces, they are open for five hours during the evening, and they are places where you can connect with our friendly advisors and with others. You will receive support and help to reduce your distress. Our advisors will offer one-to-one emotional support and will help you with planning, accessing peer-led activities, and will provide helpful information and signposting. Each Safe Haven offers light refreshments.
The Safe Haven Coventry and Warwickshire service also runs seven-day-a-week drop-ins in Coventry (Wellington Gardens, Windsor Street) and in Nuneaton (The Retreat, Bond Street). By the end of November further Safe Havens will be open in Rugby, Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick. You can access any of the Safe Havens by attending any of the venues or by phone, email, text or arranging a video chat.
The service is run by Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and has been commissioned by the NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board.
You can get in touch with Safe Haven Coventry and Warwickshire by calling 024 7601 7200
or by emailing or texting 07852 010146