Church Ukraine appeal raises £535

Ukrainians Alona and Marta Kuzmina, and Linda with her daughters Mary and Gracie, and grandmother Tetiana are pictured at a Coleshill parish church coffee morning and books and toys sale which raised a magnificent £535 for UNICEF’s Ukraine appeal.

All of them are from Kyiv and now live at Coleshill Manor, which has been redeveloped to re-home refugees.

The manor is managed as shared accommodation with supportive living, to help them integrate into the local community, with schools admissions, and to find work to help support their families here and in the Ukraine.

UNICEF is a multilateral child-rights organisation established by the UN with 70 years of field-tested expertise. It works in some of the world’s toughest places, reaching the furthest from help, the most disadvantaged and the most at risk.

UNICEF says 4.5 million children and women in Ukraine have been able to access primary health care.

Over 3.5 million people have been provided with access to safe drinking water and over 965,000 people have received critical water, sanitation and hygiene supplies.

UNICEF-supported mental health and psychosocial support interventions have reached over 2.2 million children and care-givers.