Bonfire Night and your dog

For a safe and hopefully relaxing night follow my top tips below: –

  • Make sure you walk and feed your dog early before it gets dark.
  • Check that your garden fencing is fully secured in case you need to let them out while there are bangs and please ensure they have their collar and tag on. 
  • Be aware that fear trumps obedience so be mindful of this and allow your dog to be where it feels safe in the house. Create a safe space, maybe their crate with the door open, with a blanket over if they have one, start doing this now so your dog gets used to it. 
  • There are natural remedies available online such as plug in adapters, Scullcap & Valerian and if needs be speak to your vet now if you think your dog will be really worried. 
  • Remember to stay relaxed yourself so popping on the TV or radio can mask the sounds for your dog as well as helping you. 
  • If your dog has a drying coat or thunder coat popping that on can also help calm them.
  • Rest assured that you won’t make the situation worse by fussing them if that’s what they want but some dogs may just like to be left alone. 
  • If your dog is up for it why not try some new enrichment fun, like a frozen stuffed Kong or licky mat to keep your dog distracted or play games in the house, a bit of training, doggy sit ups – tire that mind out and lower the arousal, so they settle more easily. 
  • After the night itself some dogs may take time to full relax so consider the enrichment mentioned above or allow them space and if your dog is really struggling then seek professional advice to help them and make things easier for next year.