726th – 735 Career Sporting Titles set – Paddy Doyle

The Malvern Hills 9km short cross country endurance challenge walk was Paddy Doyle’s 726th career title speed marching over the measured distance carrying 50lb back pack finishing in a time of 2 hr. 21 min. 02 sec. The yearly walk is open to serving and ex – forces personnel including civilian endurance walkers / runners. The six hills tested Doyle’s fitness levels due to the heat and back pack weight he was carrying, at the start line walkers and runners had to walk up the steep incline of Tinkers hill. 

“throughout the endurance event I knew I had to drink and eat sensibly due to weather conditions each of the six hills had varying inclines so I just focused forgot about the back pack and dug in, along the route fellow former service personnel and walkers who were carrying different weighed back packs were supporting and cheering from start to finish, the Malverns Deputy Lord Mayor presented me with a finishers medal which ended a great successful day.” 

The same week Paddy was awarded at a special ceremony with other awardees at North Warwickshire Borough Council, an honours certificate and special medal for recognition for outstanding sporting achievements from the Mayor of North Warwickshire councillor Tony Clews. 

Paddy still kept his training schedule on track and three weeks later attempted nine short course kayak course records weighed down with expedition kit of 26lb in a Best Way inflatable kayak. The river Leam Leamington Spa South Warwickshire was once again the ideal venue to increase his sporting titles. 

The kayak times and distances were:

  • 1 mile 19 min 37 sec,
  • 1.5 miles 31 min 00 sec,
  • 2 miles 35 min 39 sec,
  • 2.5 miles 41 min 12 sec,
  • 3 miles 46 min 42 sec,
  • 3.5 miles 54 min 05 sec, 
  • 4 miles 1 hr 2 min 38 sec, 
  • 4.5 miles 1 hr 8 min 44 sec, 
  • 5 miles 1 hr 14 min 57 sec. 

“it was tough going due to some fallen trees and large branches which were partly blocking some of the river routes, plus carrying the expedition kit tested my shoulder power, however I used kayak techniques to get around the obstacles, a massive thank you to the team who were at the check points , time keeping , checking the distances and filming at certain points to verify the achievements.” 

To date Doyle’s career physical fitness challenges and World Records total to 735 covering nine different sporting categories.