Water Orton Smashes Christian Aid Target 2022
Three years ago Water Orton Youth Groups, their leaders and parents took on a significant part of collecting in Christian Aid Week and helped raise £1,900.00, a significant increase in previous years. Then along came Covid and door to door collecting came to an end. This year, young people were out again and, in spite of the many conflicting demands on giving, the amazing sum of £2,105.58 was raised.
- 1. It makes a huge difference when our youth groups are involved. This year it was Boys Brigade and Girls Association, Cubs and Scouts
- 2. Three givers handed in heavy bags of coins that they had saved since the previous year.
- 3. Prepared envelopes that included gift aid returns made a huge difference.
- 4. We need to up our game for 2023 in ensuring everyone receives an envelope
- 5. Collecting can be rewarding – an opportunity for more volunteers.

Scout Chief, Stuart Mann, wrote ‘The Cubs and Scouts really enjoyed helping again this year and the people of Water Orton were very supportive of us. Many made an extra effort to donate because it was young people calling’.
The money raised will make a difference to people we will never know who are displaced and hungry – human conditions that are getting closer to home. Thank you Water Orton.