Old Salts new facility on schedule
Old Salts’ contractor ‘O’Brien Contractors Ltd’ continue working efficiently and considerately with residents, we are on track to complete the new facility on schedule. Located on Coleshill Road and Vicarage Lane in Water Orton, the rugby club should be ready to start the next season, with delivery in September 2022.
We have addressed concerns from the residents regarding the condition of the roads by tidying the verges along Gypsy Lane as well as continuing with the sweeper unit each afternoon. Progress at the new site on Coleshill Road is going well, despite the wet weather in December and early January. The clubhouse foundations and steel frame are complete and looks fabulous. The floor slab start first week in February blockwork and bricks are making good progress.

The pitches have been levelled and the drainage is completed. Next month, March 2022, the pitches will be seeded, and the Agronomist’s work begins to create that robust playing surface that we’ll need. Work will continue fitting out inside of the clubhouse as the interior takes shape.
Safe site visits for members and other interested parties have been organised on the last Sunday in each month. Attendance is by arrangement with Chairman Mick Lee, micklee18@hotmail.com Old Salts Rugby are a member of the Water Orton Sports Association alongside the Cricket, Tennis, Bowls and Football clubs, WOSA is accredited by Water Orton Parish Council and North Warks Borough Council to enable healthy activities and open opportunities for children to engage and develop in our area.