Coleshill United Church Macmillan Coffee Morning
We have sent a cheque for £1000 to Macmillan Cancer Support.
You excelled yourselves, so many, many thanks to all who supported us at the coffee morning on Friday September 24th. Also many thanks for the donations from those who could not make it that morning. We were delighted to see so many of ‘new’ and ‘old’ friends supporting us.

We were very pleased to welcome our Town Mayor, Caroline Symonds and also the Morrison Champions, Colin Bagshaw and Tony McConville who had organized a very generous donation to our Coffee Morning.
A very big thank you to all our helpers, on the stalls, making tea and coffee, serving cakes and biscuits, not forgetting all the washing up that was needed. All those helpers, working behind the scenes are the unsung heroes so important to all fund raising efforts. The event does not just happen but hopefully it is enjoyed by all.
Once again, on behalf of Coleshill United Church a great big THANK YOU.