Castle Bromwich Lions are back

Yes, after a very long of severe restrictions due to Covid Castle Bromwich Lions are getting ready to step up our fundraising efforts.As many of you will know although the Lions is an International Organisation made up of thousands of individual clubs we concentrate on helping those in need in our local area.If anyone reading knows of someone who needs help whether financial or other please just give Phil a ring on 07969 621256 and we will take it from there.

Our next major fundraiser will be our famous Quiz on the 19th of November at the Family Tree Social Club in Clopton Crescent. Once again the Club are not charging us for the hire of the room and our ever supportive Ken & Rhoda will be compering the night and organising the Quiz without charging us a penny. Our grateful thanks to them all! Don’t miss out on this hugely popular night out which includes a fish and chip supper. Phone Steve on 07754 950290 for details.

The Annual Poppy Appeal is next when we will be collecting on behalf of the British Legion at Tescos Hodge Hill.  

Then the build up for Christmas begins. Christmas is of course our biggest fundraiser of the year and this year we are hoping to get our sleigh back on the road. Nations garage have kindly given it the once over and subject to Council 

approval you can expect to see us in on the streets of Castle Bromwich around Christmas time.Our Santa will also be at the B&M store at Minworth as well hopefully at other stores.

Castle Bromwich Lions meet every 1st Thursday of the month. Anyone wishing to help out or join our Lions Club would be more than welcome. Just give Steve or Phil a ring.

For and on behalf of Castle Bromwich Lions