Water Orton Methodist Church – up and running

The miracle of a complete refurbishment during lock down in 2020 has made the church premises fit for purpose and a base for service to the community. Sunday services are at 10.30a.m. every week with an interesting variety of visiting ministers and local preachers. Our new Minister Rev Nick Jones joins us on Sunday 26th September for a communion service.
‘Café Corner’ the Saturday coffee morning is up and running from 10.30a.m. – 12.30 each week and the busy Table Top Sale at the same time on the last Saturday of each month. These sales raise funds for the maintenance of the church buildings and for charity. The first sale raised £350.00 for RESTORE, a Birmingham Churches Together charity supporting refugees to rebuild their lives. If you have donations for the sales (we don’t do clothes), we are happy to collect. Contact Margaret on 07738703376.The other bonus of the last Saturday of the month is the opportunity to meet local councillors Dave Reilly and Judy MacDonald.
Another important ‘close to home cause’ is The Adavu Project, a Birmingham Methodist charity which offers long term support to adult survivors of modern slavery. Over the past five years, Adavu has supported 160 men and women for an average of 11.3 months. Adavu is the subject of Water Orton Churches Together ‘One World Week’ evening on Wednesday October 20th at 7.30p.m. If you would like to find out more you can join the ZOOM meeting by contact Rev Paul Tullet at paulofwaterorton@hotmail@hotmail.co.uk who will send you a link.
Plans are also going well for the resumption of ‘Open the Book’, a programme of beautifully told and acted bible stories at Water Orton Primary School.
If you would like to see the restored Wesleyan Chapel, the oldest publically used building in the village and other community facilities, do drop in. Watch this space. There is more.