Walking Football
The first thing I would like to say is how good it feels to finally be playing Walking Football again after 18 months of lockdown and not playing!

Starting again after lockdown, I will admit that it took a while for the regular and new players to start coming back. Also it took me a while to find my football feet again. When everyone did come back, it was great to see everyone after so long away and to be finally getting back to playing some football!
Our player base is a mix of ages ranging from myself, the youngest at 46, all the way up to the age of 75. My dad also plays and he is 73. But if you think that ages is a barrier then think again because all or the majority of our players played to a decent level when they were younger.
The player number vary from week to week, but now we are getting at least eight players each session. That’s a nice number, plus when there’s more players we get to use more of the hall, so more space!
The games are competitive but friendly, no nasty challenges or tackles etc. Plus because we are inside, the rule if the wall goes to the wall, is to let the player come away safely. I mean you can stand by them and jockey them to get the ball, or stick a foot in if the time is right!
So if you used to play football, and you want to get back into it, or even if you didn’t then come along to Coleshill Leisure Centre on a Tuesday or a Thursday at 12:15 to 1PM.
The first session is free, then it’s £3.30 per session after that.