ST Clements Church Castle Bromwich Christopher Bubb – Organist
Many people make up the congregation of St Clements, almost like a jigsaw, people come together with different talents and as in years gone by the Organist plays a very significant part in Church life.
Although singing is now allowed by the congregation, we all still having to wear masks. Does this make our voices sound muffled? – not a bit!! Even during the pandemic music has continued to play an important part in the worship of the Church and our organist Chris Bubb has been an integral part of services whether by pre-recording music or now playing in Church for services.

With his love of music Chris learnt to play the piano from age 10 taking lessons and certainly not playing Church music back then. Chris also plays the clarinet and drums, but his real love is the piano.
Chris has been the organist at St Clements for about 13 years and even celebrated his 21st birthday with the Church. Let’s take a step back, he lives in Marston Green with Laura with whom he has two boys, William and Thomas and teaches the piano. So how did he come to be organist for a Church in Castle Bromwich. Chris came during an interregnum when St Clements was looking for an organist, just for one week (or so he thought) and he remembers playing “Lord of all Hopefulness” and no one joined in!!! What he hadn’t realised was an introduction was needed. Although not asked to play he came the next week to a service and then Margaret Harding (Lay Reader at that time) approached him, his ego was boosted when she said “how good he had been” and asked him if he would consider becoming the organist and the answer was Yes!!! Not only is he the organist for St Clements and plays at all our Services and events, he also plays at other churches for both wedding and funerals when asked.
Chris was Baptised at St Clements in the “Dunking Pool” by Stuart Carter and Confirmed at St Barnabas Kingshurst and he is now a member of the PCC. He loves cooking and has a smoker where he loves nothing better than smoking his own meats and fish. To be able to sit outside eating a meal he has prepared, talking to friends and “putting the world to rights” is his special place. Inspired by all types of music, classical and in particular Beethoven and Chopin, but also Queen, Beetles, Sting, Deep Purple and so many more. He has also been known to compose his own piano pieces. A man of many talents as he plays snooker and is a member of a club. Chris always wanted to play the piano from a young age and to be able to inspire others through music. So where does he see himself in 5 years. What a difficult question for someone who has achieved so much, so his answer was to be, content and to inspire his young sons and be as he put it “Doing a Good Job”.