Coleshill Town Markets

It’s been a couple of months since the Coleshill Town Markets have started and oh my it’s been wonderful to see so many incredible small businesses setting up in the Town Hall and on St Peters Walk. We have seen people selling fruit & veg, artwork, homemade cards, wine, cakes, antiques, and many many more. 

Thank you to the amazing people of Coleshill and from afar for supporting the markets, we’ve seen hundreds of people come to the markets and enjoy the amazing food and homemade crafts on offer. 

All of this has been made possible through funding from North Warwickshire Borough Council, they have helped Coleshill Town Council bring people back to the high street on what would usually be our quieter days. It’s been incredible to hear the buzz of
people in the Town Hall and the sound of chatter, laughter and music coming from St Peters Walk.

Our next Wander Round Wednesday is the 29th September 10.30am – 3pm in St Peters Walk. We will have fruit and veg and much more at our mini market and some brilliant entertainment for you to enjoy. 

The following Saturday, 2nd October, Stay A While Saturday is here, and the Coleshill Town Market is back at the Town Hall. We will have over 20 stalls of food, crafts, jewellery, fruit & veg, wine and many many more. The market will be on from 10.30am – 3pm and you’ll also be able to take advantage of all day parking at chantry house from 9am – 5pm, it is your opportunity to enjoy the market and then head down the high street to browse the shops and enjoy a yummy meal in one of our many restaurants. 

We can’t wait to see you all at the markets in the future, see you all soon!

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