Pride in the GCSE and BTEC results of the amazing Year 11 students at The Coleshill School
This year group have faced unprecedented challenges over much of the last two years. Our students have had to cope with three national lockdowns, learning how to learn online, adapting to the changing requirements of exam boards and the disruption of self-isolation, with many students having a number of weeks out of school.
It is therefore with immense pride, that we celebrate the achievements of these young people. They have truly got the grades that they deserve, having completed a series of assessments in the summer term as well as keeping up with their ongoing assessments for the duration of their courses, despite all the challenges. The results that our students receive today are more than a grade or number; they represent an incredible effort against all the odds. It has taken resilience, determination and the adaptability for our students to achieve their potential.

Ian Smith-Childs, Headteacher said:
“We are so proud of all of the students, who have overcome adversity to achieve some fabulous results. These students really deserve to celebrate and enjoy their summer break now before they move onto the next phase of their education. We look forward to welcoming back record numbers of students to our Sixth Form and also wish those who are moving on the best of luck. For all of our students The Coleshill School’s doors will always be open as this is their school.”
Scott Jordan, Assistant Headteacher said:
“It was wonderful to see the smiles on so many faces as students opened their results. I told the students at the Leaver’s Assembly that their attitude, commitment and diligence would reflect in all that they do including their results. This day will live long in the students’ memories and is the start of the next step on life’s journey. I wish all of our students the very best for their next step.”
We want to pay tribute to the whole school community; thank you to all the teachers and support staff for their work in shaping these amazing young people through their time at The Coleshill School; thank you to the governors for their support and thank you to parents and carers for working with us to support our students to achieve their very best.