Bishop of Birmingham visits Castle Bromwich Church
St Mary & St Margaret’s church welcomed the Bishop of Birmingham to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension after the church’s forced closure due to the Covid-19 lockdown. The Right Reverend David Urquhart, is the Anglican bishop of a diocese of some 1.5 million souls served by 184 churches.
Castle Bromwich church goer Mary Jones, said ‘We had an inspiring evening in church for Ascension Day with Bishop David blessing the Pascal candle. It was our first service in church for quite some time.’ Another church member said, ‘It was a privilege and a joy to share the occasion.’
Church online
Church services and activities are being resumed as normality returns. For over a year church events have taken place over the internet. The Wednesday online social evenings have been especially popular with chats, pub nights, quizzes and even a talent show. Organiser Laurie Fisher thanked all who took part ‘to keep the church family alive during such a tough time.’
Getting back to normality Face to face activities have now begun including socially-distanced church services some led by the Coleshill Area Dean, Revd Louise Shaw. The Baby & Me group has started up again in the church community hall. This is a friendly and inclusive group, the perfect place to meet other parents for mutual support. Sessions are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. At the time of writing, advanced booking is necessary as the group is operating at reduced capacity.
Castle Bromwich bellringers practised throughout the lockdown using an innovative online facility but they have now met in the church grounds for a ring on the handbells before returning to practice in the tower. Unable to play the newly restored church organ, choirmaster Martin Bates has been posting a weekly video of church music played on his piano at home. He hopes soon to be back up in the organ loft.
Bellringers Martin Bates the church organist
A little history
Castle Bromwich church appears in the record books over 850 years ago in a charter of 1165. A document of 1175 mentions the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Castle Bromwich and in 1301 William of Berwood required a wax light to be burning before the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the Chapel of Wodybromwig all the year. The chapel was built after the Norman Conquest of 1066 by the lord of the manor whose base was Bromwich Castle on Pimple Hill. Evidence of the early chapel building survives in the present church which was built in the 18th century. Outside at the east end of the church can be seen the original sandstone foundations. And behind the Georgian oak panelling inside the church can be seen a wall of crudely-cut stone blocks. The small Norman chapel stood where the altar of the church is now, a place of Christian worship for over eight and a half centuries.
At the time of writing, places for church services have to be booked in advance, but for up-to-date information on services and events visit the church website – or follow the Facebook page of St Mary & St Margaret Church & Community Hall.