Náboj International Mathematics Competition

On Friday 23rd April 2021, five Year 12 students from The Coleshill School took part in the international mathematics Náboj competition.

Náboj is an international fast-paced, problem solving maths competition for teams of five designed to promote mathematical ability, inventiveness, ingenuity and teamwork. The competition took two hours and students had to answer various mathematical questions which focused on working as a team and skills such as reasoning and problem solving.

The results for The Coleshill School students were as follows:-

1) The Coleshill School were placed 8/36 in the UK

2) The Coleshill School were placed 216/547 in the world

Miss Costa, Acting Joint Head of Mathematics at The Coleshill School commented: 

“We are so proud of our super-talented students. As mathematicians they worked together as a team and we are so thrilled with their performance. This is a fantastic achievement and well-deserved as they work so hard and all enjoy mathematics.
I am so proud to be working with these students on their journey.”