Care home looks forward to reopening
St Joseph’s Care Home, which cares for older people and those living with dementia, is benefiting from lockdown easing as it prepares to reopen one of its wings, which has taken on a special role over the last year.
During the pandemic, the Ruby wing at the Father Hudson’s-run home was transformed into a Covid-secure place where people could self-isolated in safety under the care of a small group of staff. The Senior Care Lead of Ruby, Sharon Lavelle, said, “It was a sad time when Ruby closed because, although we all work together at St Joseph’s, you get used to your wing and your residents. We moved residents to other wings at St Joseph’s, but staff from Ruby went with them so they had familiar faces and continuity of care.
“In the meantime, it was used as an isolation wing for people who were being discharged from hospital, and for people that had Covid. We put extra precautions in place to make sure the other residents were safe. It also meant that people moving to the home could self-isolate when they first moved in. This actually allowed them to settle in more easily.”
Now, the wing has been refurbished ahead of its reopening in the summer when it will welcome back existing residents as well as new arrivals. Sharon said, “We’ve installed a new kitchen and bought new appliances, painted all the rooms, bought new beds and chairs for the bedrooms, and we’ve bought plants for all the rooms. It’s looking beautiful. The management team have put so much effort in. They are as passionate as me about it reopening.
“The rooms for the original residents have been reserved and they’ll have first priority. So they’ll have the choice to come back to Ruby. Some, because they have dementia, their families may feel it’s better to stay where they are as they’re settled now. Others will want to come back. We’re all really excited. I feel that, after all the sadness, the positive side of things is coming back. And that’s what St Joseph’s is all about. It is a positive, caring place where people help each other and where the residents always come first. And when they come back, they’ll come back to a beautiful wing that a lot of love has gone into.”

St Joseph’s is a stand alone care home managed by Father Hudson’s Care. Located in a private road overlooking the countryside, it provides personalized care for older people and those living with dementia. To find out more about St Joseph’s Care Home or to request a brochure, contact the registered manager, Shelley Perryman, on 01675 434559 or email