International Women’s Week; Celebrating local women in business

In celebration of International Women’s Week this month, Anna Plotnek, MD of Coleshill branding and web agency PLOTT, has been challenging fellow local business women to share the advice they would give their younger selves in a bid to encourage more women to set up in business.

With only 3% of creative agencies run by women in the UK, Anna is one of very few female agency owners, and is passionate about the power of networking for success. “My top tip to my younger self would be to surround yourself with the right people

“My wider network has been key to success; everyone needs a strong support team. Networking isn’t just about new business. A good network is a team to lean on. It’s a base to bounce ideas off. A opportunity for collaboration. A group of ready-made mentors. 

“A strong network helps you win business but it’s equally important for friendship and a beer! For me, my Coleshill network of business owners is one of those networks.”

In recognition of her local network, which has been key for PLOTT’s success, Anna looked to fellow women-owned business leaders for their top tips and is hoping these will inspire other women locally.

Claire Greenwood, Managing Director of telecoms provider, G Comms, advises passion: “Always be passionate and enthusiastic in everything you do, but don’t confuse passion with emotion. Avoid futile politics, stay focussed and strive to be fair and consistent across the board- simply do the right thing. Follow your gut – it never lets you down!”

Penny Sheward-Hall of PS Recruitment Services believes in taking the leap and having some fun: “Be brave. It takes a great deal of courage to start a business but it’ll be worth the sleepless nights. Take a few risks. It’s good to feel a bit afraid and triumph over it. And have as much fun as you can along the way and you WILL get there.”

Katie Hale, Halestorm Marketing, is philosophical about her journey but thinks self-belief is key: “I’ve been given a few amazing opportunities throughout my career; ones I thought were ‘out of my reach’. Surely I wasn’t good enough or ready… My advice is believe what other people see in you. Believe in yourself, but don’t get cocky!”

Jemma James, of logistics tech company, Trutac says it’s important to look after your wellbeing: “Trust your instincts and your voice. Prioritise your health; you can’t lead others if you’re not physically and mentally strong. Breathe.”

Serena Smith, who runs the Coleshill and Castle Brom Post added: “Be ambitious, work hard. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to achieving just go for it. It’s the best thing I have ever done.”

As we celebrate women all over the world on for International Womens Week, Anna reflects on the importance of support and encourages others to surround themselves with the best possible network.

“We’ve spent 10 years at PLOTT creating a perfectly balanced team of people who all look out for each other and care about each other. Surrounding yourself with the right people is key to fewer sleepless nights and grey hairs!”