Look out for frail and elderly in the cold weather

Show some warmth towards your neighbours and relatives by checking in on them regularly this winter.

This year has been especially tough on the most vulnerable in our community, and with the colder weather, the NHS across Coventry and Warwickshire are sharing some easy tips we can all follow to support frail and elderly people.

Dr David Spraggett, Chair at NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissionig Group (CCG), said: “This year the communities across south Warwickshire have really come together to help support each other and we are asking for this to continue over the winter period. There may be vulnerable and elderly people who may be finding it hard to get out and about. Some will be struggling with their mental health or feeling isolated. They will really appreciate seeing a friendly face and a chance to have a chat. If they’re feeling unwell, encourage them to call their GP or NHS 111 for advice and support.

“The elderly or those with long-term conditions are especially at risk from winter bugs like flu and norovirus during these long winter months, and there is the added risk of becoming seriously ill with coronavirus. We should be helping our neighbours and loved ones to stay home wherever possible.

Dr Sarah Raistrick, Chair at NHS Coventry and Rugby and Warwickshire North CCGs, said: “During the winter months, be a good neighbour, look out for the elderly and vulnerable, offering shopping or to cook and deliver a meal and to help with things as simple as putting out their bins or clearing their pathway if it snows. Even a cheery wave through the window or phone call can be a lifeline.”

When visiting the vulnerable or elderly, continue to follow the government’s guidelines on social distancing, wear a face mask and wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser. For the most up to date information on the guideline visit the government website. If you are unable to go into the property, drop their shopping, medicines or other essentials at their door and keep a safe distance. You can also call them via the phone or a tablet to keep in touch.  

If you have any Coronavirus symptoms – such as a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a change or loss to your taste or smell, it is vital that you self-isolate and book test as soon as possible. You can book a test online or by calling 119. Do not leave your house or make any visits to anyone. Arrange for someone else to collect any essentials for anyone you care for or would normally visit.

Useful resources:

Visit www.nhs.uk/keep-warm-keep-well for more advice on keeping warm and well this winter

Visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/falls for more information about how to avoid a fall and what to do if you or someone you know has a fall