Hazelwood Group Practice Steps in to Fight COVID-19
Who would have thought that such a tiny thing, like a virus, would result in a small coaching town like Coleshill making local history?
Medical personnel across the world have answered the call to arms to fight COVID-19 and Hazelwood Group Practice also rose to the challenge. Many would not give the task of vaccinating thousands of people in the community much thought but the organisation is truly a mammoth and military endeavour.
From the moment the world received the news that Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca had produced vaccines to combat COVID-19, the management team at Hazelwood started weeks of planning with countless hours of Zoom meetings, late night emails, weekend phone calls and organising staff to run the programme all while endeavouring to keep the Practice functioning as normal.
Due to the nature of the Pfizer vaccine, medical hubs would need to be provided with specialist refrigeration and storage equipment. Full training for the nurses and doctors, who would be administering the injections to eager patients, had to be attended. It would be imperative that staff hit the ground running when the precious, rationed supply of the Pfizer vials arrived at the surgery. The provision of specialist equipment was not a luxury afforded to every GP surgery across the country so Hazelwood put themselves forward to be the vaccination hub for the whole of North Warwickshire.
Their own staff worked alongside staff from Dordon, Kingsbury and Water Orton to share the facilities to begin inoculating the senior members of the communities, care home residents and staff.
The days leading up to “V-Day” saw the Practice take delivery of the specialist medical equipment, marquees, outdoor lighting and heating, chairs, signage, catering supplies, stationery, computers and, of course, copious amounts of PPE and cleaning supplies. Admin and reception staff worked tirelessly to get the appointments booked and to be sure patients arrived on time so that no doses of the coveted vaccine were wasted due to its very short life once out of storage.

The early morning of Wednesday 16th December 2020 was dark, wet and bitterly cold but the atmosphere inside the Practice was warm, bright and full of energy as the first patient received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination in North Warwickshire. The smiles, laughter and endless gratitude from patients made all the hard work worthwhile in preparing such a herculean operation. The arrival of the AstraZeneca vaccine three weeks later saw the Practice enjoy a less stringent programme in the outside marquee where the injections were administered more quickly with no waiting time for patients. It was freezing but the atmosphere was full of warmth!
A programme like this doesn’t come together overnight. Mandy Roche and Dr Mehwish Qureshi, Programme Leader and Clinical Director respectively, worked nonstop for weeks to organise the roll-out of this vaccination programme and lead the way so the citizens of Coleshill and North Warwickshire could start living a more normal life. The road will be a long one with many more weeks and months of vaccinating to come. We won’t see the wearing of masks, hand washing and keeping our distance ending any time soon but we will get there one vaccine at a time. When you get your phone call inviting you to attend for your vaccination please be sure to accept it.
Hazelwood Group Practice is open and operating as normal during the vaccine programme. DO NOT ignore your health; if you have a medical need please be sure to speak to your local surgery. It is more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis to look after your wellbeing.
Hazelwood Group Practice could not have made this programme happen without the hard work and dedication of its staff and local volunteers. They would like to thank the amazing staff at the Practice who have been seconded to the vaccine programme and to those, in reduced numbers, who are taking on the extra work and increased hours to keep the Practice operating as usual and stepping into the unknown when the need arises. A massive “thank you” to the Coleshill Angels and Coleshill Round Table for their organisation of marshalling duties during all weathers. Thank you (and welcome back!) to Dr Powell-Tuck and Dr Shannon who came out of retirement to watch over the patients during the specified after-vaccine waiting time. The Swan Hotel and The Coleshill Social Club for the use of their parking facilities. Thank you to The North Warwickshire CCG for their support and the CCG Roving Team who have administered vaccines to care home residents. Finally, to Morrisons, Café on the Hill and the many, many patients for providing the staff with food, hot drinks, cakes, biscuits and treats to fuel them through the very long days and keeping spirits high, thank you.