St Joseph’s unites families for Christmas
St Joseph’s Care Home, Coleshill, has launched a brand new visiting pod that is allowing family members of residents to safely visit their loved ones. After months spent apart, families are able to get together in person, in what is described by family members as an “amazing” Covid-safe room.

The first visits took place on 10 December, in an emotional day for residents, family members and staff alike.
As well as making it safe for people to come together, staff at the Father Hudson’s-run home decorated the room for Christmas to make it homely, welcoming and festive.

Over the year, staff at the home have worked tirelessly to do everything they can to support residents and their family members during the pandemic. From arranging phone and calls, to increasing the amount of entertainment and activities in the home, everyone at St Joseph’s has gone above and beyond to keep residents safe, healthy and active.
Family members have praised the staff at the home and Father Hudson’s estates team for this latest development. One said, “I have seen lots of ‘visiting pods’ and this is above them all! St Joseph’s have outdone themselves in ensuring this is not only safe but also welcoming and homely.” Another said, “Well done for all the hard work you put into making St Joseph’s such a lovely place. All your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.”
As well as opening the pod, staff at the home have also organised a series of Christmas parties for residents. Because they couldn’t invite families to celebrate with them as they usually would, staff worked extra hard to make sure residents had an enjoyable time, full of festivities, singing, dancing and laughter.
The visiting pod is the latest in a series of developments at St Joseph’s designed to keep residents connected to their families and to the wider community. Earlier in the year, the home installed wi-fi throughout to help people keep in touch. It also allows residents to take part in Mass, which is livestreamed from the on-site chapel, and to watch entertainment from the comfort of their rooms. They also launched a virtual tour service which gave those interested in moving to the home the opportunity to talk to manager Shelly Perryman and learn more about the care on offer.
If you would like to have a virtual tour or find out more about the facilities on site, please contact Shelley on 01675 434559.
St Joseph’s Care Home is managed by Father Hudson’s Care, a Coleshill-based social care charity that supports people who need extra care and support in their lives. Visit to find out more.