Unusual Times but Church Open for Business!

In person church services have resumed at St. Peter & St. Paul, Coleshill with St. Michael & All Angels, Maxstoke. When lockdown started our services had to move online to the church Facebook page and we are continuing to live-stream services so that those unable to attend in person can still join in. 

Since returning to our buildings in September we have held wonderful harvest services supported by the choir and members of Coleshill Town Band and are now planning for our Commemoration services where people are able to remember their loved ones by name. We are holding two services this year in order to accommodate everyone whilst remaining Covid-safe and complying with distancing. 

Nick says, “It has been wonderful to welcome people to our regular services and although there are limitations on what we are able to do it lifts the soul to come together as a community in God’s presence. We look forward to welcoming more of our community through the coming months.”

Our main service with Sunday School is at 10.30am each week. The details of our other regular and special services can be found on our website www.coleshillparishchurch.org.uk and @coleshill parish, our facebook page. Our Commemoration services are ticketed, please contact the parish office for details: (01675 462188).