Orchard Nurseries

By Julie Heenan 

One of the positive things to come out of lockdown is the amount of people who have discovered a love of gardening. 

As we went into lockdown on the nursery we had spring bedding plants- polyanthus, bellis and pots of bulbs, all looking good and our summer bedding in the early stages.

What to do? Fortunately we proceeded growing the summer bedding and placed a Facebook post with an offer on the spring bedding for contact less delivery.

There were 6 orders that first day, which as days passed and we posted more selections rapidly increased until the phone was ringing non stop and it was a challenge to answer all the calls and messages and deliver the orders.

Long days, starting early to make up baskets and tubs before the phone started ringing and delivering well into the evening.

Since reopening we’ve had so many positive comments and thanks for the deliveries which has been so lovely and appreciated.

The demand for everything gardening was totally unprecedented, we had to ration things such as compost to try and ensure everyone got some, but still ran out several times. Our seasons homegrown bedding plants sold out in around 2 weeks and sales of fruit, veg and salad plants high along with pretty much all other types of plants , canes pots and sundries. 

As we move towards autumn we are restocking as supplies become available, we have an early batch of winter pansies ready, along with Heather’s, polyanthus violas and wallflowers to fill baskets and tubs.


All those of you who bought/grew tomatoes should be picking gorgeous sweet fruits now.

Second early potatoes can be lifted and runner/ french beans, carrots, beetroot, courgettes picked and enjoyed. 

Fruited raspberry canes can be cut to the ground now.

Annuals and perennials should be regularly dead headed to encourage more flowers.

Trim lavender, when its finished flowering, but try not to cut into old wood.

Keep pots and baskets watered to keep them looking good and use a liquid feed fortnightly. 

Also keep rhododendron and camellia plants well watered through late summer as next years buds form.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us, customers old and new, through these unusual times. We look forward to seeing and helping you soon.

Stay safe.

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