Morrisons Coleshill Support Food Banks & launch Pick up Packs in store

Morrisons Coleshill is proud to support local Food Banks & generous customer donations are much needed during the pandemic. With many people facing financial difficulty due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of families using one of the Trussell Trust’s partner food banks has doubled year on year, and the charity gave out 89% more food parcels in this April than in the same month in 2019.

Community Champions Adrian & Charles Friel manage the Food Bank Donation Hub in store & are proud to deliver kind donations from customers to Food Banks in need.

Morrisons recently launched their ‘Pick up Packs’ in store, which contain those essential items much needed by Food Banks. Items include toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap & other toiletries. The packs also contain Food items like Instant Mashed Potato, Baked Beans & Sausages & tinned vegetables. Customers can pop one of these packs in with their regular shopping & then pay for it at the checkout.

The pack is then dropped into the in store Food Bank Donation hub, where the items are delivered by the Community Champions Adrian & Charles to local Food Banks. Pictured is Richard Flemming, the Operations Co-ordinator at Nuneaton Foodbank receiving the amazing Morrisons Coleshill customer donations.

Customers can find the ‘Pick up Packs’ located just inside the main entrance & 100% of all customer donations get passed on to the Food Banks. Their support & generosity is helping in Feeding The Nation.

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