Craig Tracey MP is calling on North Warwickshire and Bedworth’s small shopkeepers to enter the Best Small Shops Competition 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the importance of our local communities pulling together in these difficult times and undoubtedly small local shops have played a tremendous role in supporting us all. Whether it be hardware stores helping us with DIY efforts or farm shops and corner shops keeping us fed and watered, many of us have relied on local small stores more than ever during this time and hope to do so going forward. 

The Best Small Shops Competition is back for 2020 and is here to promote and celebrate the significant role they play in our communities.

The judges will be looking for evidence of a small shops’ entrepreneurial spirit, ways that they have been innovative in their business and what they have done to have a lasting positive impact on their community. The shortlisted small shops will then be in with the chance to win one of five awards, including the newly launched award for small shops response to Covid-19.

Shopkeepers can nominate their businesses until Friday 11th September 2020 via A shortlist will be announced in October with winners announced in November.

Craig Tracey MP commented: ‘It is great to see that the Best Small Shops Competition is back for 2020. This has been a stranger year so far than any of us could have ever imagined, however, I am pleased that this competition is back again to celebrate our fantastic small shops across North Warwickshire and Bedworth.

Many small shops are a cornerstone of local communities and have been a lifeline for us all during this time. They provide invaluable advice and customer service that you just cannot get online.

As the lockdown has been eased, it has been great to get out and meet with small shop owners across my patch to discuss their successes and difficulties as they navigate the reopening and the new social distancing guidelines.

Shopkeepers have gone above and beyond to keep us safe as we shop and I know just how grateful the rest of us are for this hard work. I would encourage any shopkeeper in North Warwickshire and Bedworth to nominate themselves for these awards. Best of luck!’’ 

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