A switch in sport

 Ella Carolan Sports Column 

Rewind yourselves back a few months. You were no longer able to sit in front of the TV, cheering as the ball touched the net. You forgot how to dwell on defeat of your favourite team. The beginning of the lockdown period has changed the way many of us will view sport for years to come…

As adjustments are made we have slowly been able to resume with the thing that many of us find community in. Sports may not mirror what we once knew, but for now we have found new ways to adapt to the challenges derived from coronavirus. Personally, I have realised throughout the lockdown the significance and the joys it brings in my life. Now with the kick-start of the Premier league on our screens, we can experience the excitement of watching again and in some cases take part in playing ourselves. 

As well as home workouts, jogging and cycling, since May, the Prime Minister has encouraged us to take part in outdoor sports such as golf, basketball, tennis and fishing. Many local teams have started training although competitions are unlikely. The cricket pitch is once full again and Coleshill tennis club have continued competition but in a corona friendly way, whereby players are allocated time slots to reduce contact. Households and ‘bubble groups’ also allow for us to start sports once again. And with the gyms set to open soon, individuals can enjoy activities they once could before lockdown. I for one cannot wait. 

However the resuming of certain sports in lockdown have caused huge controversy. After the recent Adria tennis Tour, Novak Djokovic the world No. 1 ranked tennis player, tested positive for coronavirus. Leading many to question the safety of professional athletes. With some professional footballers already hitting headlines by flaunting lockdown rules, is it really safe for athletes to return playing?

For now the future of sport is uncertain. We must work together to create the safest possible training environments, as well as collaborate to create new inventive ways for the future if sport is to continue during this on going pandemic.

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