Morrisons feeding the nation


Our nation’s food banks have seen donations fall by 40% during the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, at the same time as demand for their service is rising amongst those who rely on them most. So today we’re announcing a new initiative: 

Food bank donation – we’re announcing £10million of extra stock to be set aside and donated to local and community food banks. We’ll be running many of our fresh food manufacturing sites for an extra hour each day to produce food to restock the food banks, and we’ll send extra ambient stock into stores to be donated. Items will include products like bread, eggs, pasta, teabags and tinned tuna, and with the help of Community Champions, these will be donated to the local charities and community groups who need them most

Inviting customers to help – we’ll be telling our customers what we’re doing through a new national advertising campaign, and inviting them to donate products in our dedicated donation hubs in our Cafes and stores. These will be live from Monday 29th March

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