How to look after your feet during self-isolation

During this new, ever changing and scary time you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to attend your chiropody appointments. It is important to make sure that during this time you are looking after your feet in the best way possible until you can return to see us. You should try and follow the advice below as well as you can, you may need to ask a family member to help you.

(If you have any emergencies you can still contact us on 0121 749 6313- THIS PART MAY CHANGE?)

  • Cut your toenails straight across. You should avoid cutting your nails rounded as this can encourage the nail to grow into the side of your skin and cause an ingrowing toenail. Instead, you should cut your nails straight across and if possible, use an emery board to gently smooth the corners.
  • Use foot cream daily. Using foot cream every day will help to prevent your skin becoming too dry and splitting. If the skin splits, this is when you can get an infection. You should apply the cream to the tops and bottoms only and not in between your toes. If you are struggling to apply the cream and rub it in, a useful tip is to either use a wooden spoon to apply the cream (this works especially well around your heels) or put some cream on a tray where you can paddle in it and use the bottom of one foot to help rub the cream into the top of the other one. This doesn’t need to be done perfectly- any cream is going to better than none!
  • Don’t walk around your house barefoot. This is especially important if you have just applied cream as it will help to prevent you slipping over. It is also important not to walk around barefoot as it will prevent you stepping on something that may cause an injury.
  • Use an emery board to gently file your feet. This will help if you suffer with hard skin. You should use an emery board instead of a metal file as metal files will snag the skin and may cause tears. You should file the hard skin gently before the bath or the shower. You can do this 2-3 times a week.
  • Check your feet regularly. You should check your feet regularly for any cuts, splits or blisters. If you find any you should dress them with an antiseptic cream and a normal plaster and change it daily until the area has healed.
  • Make sure you’re drying well in between your toes. When the skin in between our toes is not thoroughly dried it can become like rubber and can be more prone to splitting open. If the skin does split open, you should dry it as advised above.
  • Do not be tempted to self-treat. If you suffer with corns, calluses, verrucae or ingrowing toenails, do not be tempted to treat them yourself. By doing this you can end up causing more damage. Instead, you should try and pad the area the best that you can to try and offload the pressure. Also, you should look at your slippers at home to see if they may be contributing and making the problem worse

We are constantly trying to think of ways that we can help you while you cannot attend your appointment. We will be hosting talks on our Facebook page so make sure you follow and like us on there at

When the Corona virus finally becomes a thing of the past, we will welcome you back to Walsh Podiatry with open arms. Until then, from all of us at Walsh Podiatry, please take care and stay safe.

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