Pirate’s Pantry January

Coquilles Saint Jacques

Having grown up near the sea, I have always loved my seafood. A proper treat for me is the bubbling shell of creamy cheesy scallopy goodness that is Coquilles Saint Jacques.

I always attempt to buy responsibly and sustainably sourced scallops such as hand dived. They are always slightly more pricey, but so very worth it. 

I have gone with panko breadcrumbs for texture, but any breadcrumbs will work with this dish


  • 6 King Scallops, on the shell. 
  • 30g butter
  • 3 banana shallots, finely chopped
  • 150ml dry white wine
  • 75ml double cream

For the topping

  • 30g butter
  • 2 small garlic cloves, crushed
  • 175ml panko breadcrumbs
  • 6 tbsp finely chopped parsley
  • Gruyere Cheese, grated 


Clean the scallops by loosening the scallop from the shell with a knife, ensuring that the frill and stomach sack are removed. This leaves you with the succulent white flesh and orange coral. It really is a question of preference as to whether you leave the coral in this recipe. I prefer to as, when cooked, the difference in texture between the two elements enhances the eating experience.

The first part of this recipe is simply an exercise in sweating down shallots in the butter until tender. Keep an eye on them as you don’t want them to brown. Once translucent, add the wine and bring to a simmer. 

Place the scallops in the wine and continue to simmer. Turn the scallops after about 45 seconds and simmer for a further 30. 

Remove the scallops from the wine and place to one side. Allow the wine to reduce by half before adding the cream and stirring until completely combined.

To prepare the topping, simply stir the parsley into the panko breadcrumbs. Melt the butter in a pan and gently stir in the garlic. Once the garlic is becoming translucent, stir in the breadcrumbs.

To prepare for service, place a scallop on the shell spoon over the creamy shallots and cover with the breadcrumbs. 

Grate a generous amount of gruyere over the top and slam under a medium high grill for between 3-5 mins until the cheese is bubbling and browning.

I serve this with fresh bread slathered in real butter. 

As always, all comments to piratespantry@gmail.com